A Thanksgiving message from President Callahan

Dear Pacificans,
As we head into the Thanksgiving weekend, I wanted to take a moment to give my thanks to you.
To our students: You inspire us each and every day with your talent, focus, determination and passion for your studies, your future, each other, our communities and our world. I am grateful that you chose to be part of the Pacific family.
To our faculty: You are what makes Pacific such a special place. Watching you in action with our students in our classrooms, laboratories, studios and fields is nothing short of remarkable as you develop and grow the next generation of learners and leaders in scores of disciplines.
To our staff: You are the backbone of our university, enabling our professors to teach and our students to learn as you support them in countless ways—seen and unseen—across our three campuses and our schools, colleges and administrative divisions.
To our alumni: Your support—whether from nearby one of our campuses, across the country or around the world—is invaluable in the continued strength and growth of our university. I am grateful to you all and appreciative of the opportunity to meet many of you during our alumni visits and events.
To our leaders: From our regents to our deans, vice presidents and others, you set the course and are responsible for our remarkable trajectory upward.
I am grateful to all of you.
I wish you all a safe, peaceful, restful and joy-filled Thanksgiving Day and holiday weekend. And thank you all for making Pacific the very special place that it is.
Christopher Callahan